throughout my childhood, my dad frequently spoke about his “all time dream car”… i would share it with you but it was an ever shifting parade of beautifully designed automobiles that my dad described with great reverence (also, i can’t remember what they were called, as i am not really a car person, but i can picture them perfectly.)
Read Morethe GEZELLIG episode of ted lasso! x0x
(just LOOK at this city!)
this is the time of year when all of the TV shows are having their season finales and we have to consider how we are going to spend our evenings until they start up again in the fall. like most of the world, one of my favorites is “ted lasso” about the american football coach from kansas who somehow lands a job in london coaching “futbal” for AFC richmond. while there have been many heartwarming episodes over the past three seasons, my most favorite aired in december and detailed when the team had a “friendly” with the dutch ajax team. * SPOILER ALERT if you are behind in your TL viewing!
Read Morememorial day blues
(the boulder creek fest)
every memorial day weekend in boulder there is the “creek fest” which features lots of food trucks, bouncy castles, bungee jumping, henna, face painting, artsy vendors and “bossy” vendors who give nutritional, political, environmental, parental, etc advice. every year i think i like the idea of a festival and every year i forget how fucking HOT it gets. this year we were obligated to go because lucy’s awesome dance troop, streetside, was performing.
Read Moreholding on! x0x
(theo celebrating his third birthday with a chocolate cupcake)
my son turned seventeen a few months ago. while i am no longer planning big themed parties with magicians or puppet shows or the olympics or pajamas i do still decorate the house, make his favorite breakfast (poofy pancakes) and plan SOMETHING. i love doing this and get super excited at the approach of these celebrations, even though he only begrudgingly poses in a birthday hat for photos now. but this year i was bummed in the same way i get when one of my own “big birthdays” arrives (40, 50, 60 - sixty hasn’t come yet, PRAISE JESUS! but i am already dreading it.) it hit me that next year will be his last birthday at home before he goes off to university and i just felt gutted.
Read Moremy very first podcast with MEET THE ELITE! x0x
THANK YOU to MEET THE ELITE who produce podcasts featuring small business owners. i was interviewed last week for a segment introducing my design work. this was totally out of my wheelhouse, but lots of fun. here is the link for the short but sweet little interview! x0x0x
i LOVE my dad! x0x
(my dad in the early 60s)
* i am reposting this story about my dad that i wrote for his 80th birthday… i LOVE my dad. i love his wild humor, his naughtiness, his creativity with words, the crazy faces he makes, his immense confidence, his VERY quirky habits and his ENORMOUS heart. i love that he has told me, “i love you higher than the sky is high and deeper than the ocean is deep” my entire life.
recently, my father had a fall AND came down with covid… the illness probably triggered the fall. he is currently in rehab rebuilding his strength, making faces at the nurses and charming everyone. his popularity is topped only by ROSIE who comes to visit every day… she just curls up in her donut on his bed and naps with him when he is tired from all of the physical therapy. i am so PROUD (but not surprised) of my father for facing this challenge with his typical grace, determination and humor. please send him your best healing wishes! x0x0x
Read Moreinterviewed for BOLD JOURNEY! x0xx
i was so honored to be interviewed by eric garcia for bold journey. THANK YOU eric for including me in this series! here is the link to the full article. x00xx
i might be the client i don't want
(this bedroom is from a project that was SUPER fun to work on!)
i am generally a very efficient person. i hate to waste time (unless i am watching tv and then i can do it endlessly.) i set the table as i’m unloading the dishwasher (even if the next meal is HOURS away) because i never want to put dishes away that just have to come right back out. if i am making a green smoothie in the morning, i also make a veggie plate for dinner since i am already chopping stuff up. i frequently get on my tread in my jams because they already need to be washed. i put things on the stairs that have to go up so i can do it on my next trip. i stack my meetings or source fabric or tile or whatever for multiple clients at a go if i am already at the upholsterer or the tile shop. i read once that chefs are trained to make their movements as minimal as possible because they are typically working in small spaces and want to conserve the energy they expend while working. i think about those chefs all the time as i am planning my days.
Read MoreREPOST: my amazon coat
* lucy’s bat mitzvah festivities kick off tomorrow… while the lead up has not been without some unfortunate situations (hank had to have BACK SURGERY and lucy’s face blew up from an allergic reaction to all the crazy products she learns about on tik tok, my house and my car are intact [KNOCK WOOD!] and the tailor [elegant tailor right next to village coffee shop] did an impeccable job altering our dresses… we did NOT go to the one who destroyed theo’s pants.) i am reposting this story about what was going on just before theo’s bar mitzvah with much gratitude that we’ve had an easier time this go. PRAISE MOSES!
in early december i got an email from my girlfriend in LA with the subject line, “have you heard about this coat?” she attached an article from the strategist that detailed the popularity of the orolay amazon coat among moms at pick up on the upper west side. it was sold out, of course, because it is the coziest, most comfortable, best priced coat in the world. i stalked amazon until it came back on offer and it was well worth the wait. i LOVE my amazon coat! it has tons of pockets that are straight up and down so that stuff doesn’t slip out of them AND they all have zippers, just in case you are carrying around something super special. the hood is lined with fuzzy, warm stuff and the inside is a bright, cheery orange. you can get it in black, navy and army green (putty too, but that colorway is not nice.) i was so delighted with my coat that i planned all my christmas travel outfits around it (no dresses, just boots and jeans because the amazon coat is too casual for a party dress.) i had to wear it on the plane because it is too bulky to put in a suitcase, but i pulled that snuggly hood up and had the best airplane nap of all time, despite the fact that i was sitting between my two children. the hood also seems to be noise cancelling. so i thoroughly enjoyed the holidays with my amazon coat and then my life became a series of shit fuck events that snowballed into my nearly falling completely apart… but praise jesus, i had my amazon coat. i just crawled into that coat and added my pizzeria pom pom hat and i have hardly taken them off (even indoors) for the last three weeks. because overlaying all of these horrendous events has been planning my son’s bar mitzvah. i am so PROUD of my son for his dedication and earnest commitment to learning, but planning a bar mitzvah (especially for a shiksa mama) is no small endeavor and despite all of my hyper-organized lists and spreadsheets, i still felt desperately behind three weeks out. following are the events that sent me diving into the safety of my amazon coat:
Read MoreHAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my darling babela bu! x00xxx
my dearest, darling lucy is THIRTEEN today! she has been full of surprises ever since our doctor called with the news of my very much desired but completely unanticipated pregnancy. she arrived with a bang and has been upending our lives and our thinking and our hearts ever since. lucy - i cannot begin to tell you how proud and GRATEFUL i am to be your mama. wishing you a thirteenth year full of joy, adventure, SLEEP, snuggles, GOOD BOOKS and loads of LOVE! i love you higher than the sky is high and deeper than the ocean is deep! x00xx
Read MoreREPOST: easter comfort food x0x
* i am reposting my mother’s easter recipes that are a staple at my brunch each year. they are super comforting and yummy, if maybe not the most elegant! x0x
my whole life there have been two essential easter recipes served at our brunch: my mother’s mushroom crust quiche and her easter buns. they are both a little trashy… the quiche has smashed up saltines in the crust and the buns are made with the dough that comes in a can you bang on the counter to pop open. but they are both delicious. the quiche (or KWEE-CHEE as theo used to call it) LOOKS a little more elegant, but the buns are never pretty. the filling always squirts out and the jam slides around so they are just a mess. i have tried and tried to clean them up to no avail. when new people come for easter, they usually bypass them on the buffet and i have to force them to try one… no one has ever been disappointed. AND they are both still yummy, cold, the next morning as leftovers. happy, happy easter all! x0xx
Read MoreREPOST: the order of a seder
* with the approach of passover i am reposting this story about the seder dinner… it is my favorite of the jewish holidays!
seder means “order.” there is an order to every aspect of the passover celebration from the way the seder plate is prepared to which course is served first and second and third to what prayer is said, what song is sung, what question is asked and when. even though i am not jewish, i have been hosting passover dinners for nearly twenty years. inevitably i mix up at least one aspect of the order. sometimes i even schedule the seder for the wrong evening - the jewish calendar is confusing and i am not always sure if “begins at sundown” means the dinner should take place that night or the next. i give myself a pass on this as a shiksa mama raising jewish children. i have enough trouble with simple time telling (my mom thinks that’s because i had the chicken pox the week i was meant to learn it in first grade) and adjusting to different time zones and daylight savings.
Read MoreREPOST: theo's bar mitzvah
* lucy and i are spending spring break this year taking care of hank and preparing for her bat mitzvah… we have been thinking A LOT about theo’s bar mitzvah and all that it entailed… x0x
when my son was in second grade, we joined our local temple. we had always agreed that we would raise our children jewish, the faith of their father, with santa and the bunny thrown in in a nod to my secular upbringing with christian-based holidays. we signed up for the “family school” program which meant that once a month all four of us spent most of a saturday at temple learning about judaism in both large and small groups, finalizing in a service. we made this decision because i am not jewish and wanted to participate in what my kids were learning and because the rabbi leading the family school grew up in the same town and same synagogue as my husband in long island… a crazy, small world synchronicity that we embraced.
Read Morethe AMAZING judy blume! x0x
BIFF, the boulder international film festival, just took place here in town and my girlfriend arranged for a group of us to see the documentary, “judy blume forever,” about one of the most pivotal authors of my childhood (YOURS too if you grew up in the late seventies and eighties.) it was INCREDIBLE on so many levels. i realized that even though i read her books over and over (just certain parts of some!) i had never registered what she looked like. she resembled “sabrina” from charlie’s angels when she first started writing in 1979 and she is still a gorgeous woman now at 83. (she currently lives in key west, rides her bike all over and runs a bookstore. i am determined to go visit her shop.)
Read Moreincluded in CANVAS REBEL! x0x
our poor popper...
(our sweet bubbie with all of his shaved parts…)
my sweetest baby boy hank had to have BACK SURGERY two wednesdays ago. the tuesday evening prior, at the tail end of our FOUR hours of zoom parent/teacher conferences (for some reason the middle school and the high school scheduled them for the same night) we noticed that something was terribly wrong with hank. he was panting outrageously and shaking like someone just scared the bejeezus out of him. his vet was already closed so we took him to the animal ER, V.E.G.: veterinary emergency group. i have to say, they were so KIND there… they offered us drinks and comfortable chairs and snuggled him up trying to help him calm down. after a physical exam, the doctor predicted that it was his spine. (his reaction to touch was equal on each side and he was doing a weird thing with both of his back feet.) she couldn’t be positive without an MRI so she directed us to another ER (C.A.S.E.: colorado animal specialty and emergency) where they have the MRI machine and a neurologist on call. she said in the past, they would have sent us home with pain meds and instructions to monitor him for a few days, but new research has shown that immediate confirmation is better and that if we waited and it was indeed his spine he could be paralyzed by the weekend. HAY SEUS! they gave him methadone and another sedative and we headed over to C.A.S.E. even with the drugs, hank was still panting HARD. the team at C.A.S.E. was also really wonderful. they gave him FENTANYL (which freaked me out but they said they can give dogs these drugs because there is not a fear of them holding up the corner bodega desperate for cash to feed their addiction because we can control how much they get. i was left wondering if there are people out there who take their dogs’ medication.)
Read MoreTRASH THE RUNWAY is friday, march 3rd! x00x
trash the runway is a design competition created twelve years ago by the creative lab at common threads in boulder, colorado. middle and high school students design, actualize and model super creative, high fashion looks made entirely of found and hard to recycle materials. the garments range from elegant to whimsical and have been created out of the most unexpected “trash”: discarded dog food bags, bubble wrap, gum wrappers, wall paper samples… the competition “aims to propel young people toward environmental and social responsibility and to inspire their confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills for the benefit of the greater good.” this show is so much FUN and i am so proud to be a judge this year. purchase tickets for hte runway show here! x00xx
Read MoreBEST OF HOUZZ 2023 for SERVICE and DESIGN! x0x0x
i am doubly thrilled to have won best of houzz 2023 awards for both SERVICE and DESIGN. i have been very lucky to work with super fun, inspiring clients and have been so grateful to be recognized for my service… this is the first i have won a DESIGN award… i’m really excited because, of course, design is the crux of what i do. THANK YOU to the many, many wonderful people who have supported my business as builders, artisans, vendors, advisors, photographers and clients! x0xx
Read Moresuper bowl sunday
hank and i had a rough start on super bowl sunday… i put the garbage in the back hall to take outside and forgot to shut the door to the mudroom. everything was really quiet and i realized hank was missing from his usual position on the sofa. when i raced back there he was in the middle of a DISGUSTING mess - coffee grounds strewn all over, candy wrappers scattered (i finally found the halloween candy i hid in november), brown, gooey banana peels and other gross stuff i couldn’t even identify. this may be the first time i really yelled at hank. he HAS gotten into the garbage before but i gave him a pass and explained that that is not done in my house. this time he KNEW he was crossing a line. i can be pretty forgiving (especially with hank) but messes put me over the edge. i would prefer him to sneak some beers or miss his curfew than create that kind of situation for me to clean.
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