super bowl sunday
hank and i had a rough start on super bowl sunday… i put the garbage in the back hall to take outside and forgot to shut the door to the mudroom. everything was really quiet and i realized hank was missing from his usual position on the sofa. when i raced back there he was in the middle of a DISGUSTING mess - coffee grounds strewn all over, candy wrappers scattered (i finally found the halloween candy i hid in november), brown, gooey banana peels and other gross stuff i couldn’t even identify. this may be the first time i really yelled at hank. he HAS gotten into the garbage before but i gave him a pass and explained that that is not done in my house. this time he KNEW he was crossing a line. i can be pretty forgiving (especially with hank) but messes put me over the edge. i would prefer him to sneak some beers or miss his curfew than create that kind of situation for me to clean.
lucy was fascinated by the whole story and made me retell it over and over. she was reveling in the idea of hank being in trouble. she DOES love hank but resents that he never gets his phone taken away or doesn’t have to miss out on sleepovers no matter what he does. she couldn’t wait to hear about his “consequences.” of course, besides my initial yelling, there were none. i couldn’t even tell if he felt bad because he always looks a bit morose, even when i know he’s happy.
(this is hank excited about halloween)
(this is hank excited - and maybe a little nervous - about fall)
(this is hank excited about ski season)
(this is hank excited about christmas)
(this is hank SO EXCITED to see me after i’ve been out running errands)
by kickoff, all was forgiven and i was making “queso” which is what i have for dinner on super bowl sunday. i like to think that i am helping the environment by having a meatless meal that is full of cheesy protein, although i am pretty sure that the “queso” i make (velveeta and rotel) is just delicious melted plastic. (i DID make a veggie plate too for some balance.) every year i eat so much of this stuff that i go to bed feeling quite sick and every year i do it again. this year i even doubled down and micro’d the leftovers for lunch on monday. that was a new low. three days out i am still not feeling tip top but i hate to break tradition.
(my “queso” looked just like this!)
we were very excited about the chiefs… i just love mahomes and his adorable family. he is like the steph curry of football. we also love kansas because that’s where GG lived and we are sure she was enjoying her team’s super bowl win. i bet she can eat all the “queso” she wants up there and never feel sick.
(how CUTE is this family??)
(GG and me out and about in our sunnies)